best dried foods for long-term storage - overlapped as best dried foods for long-term storage

7 Best Dried Foods for Long-Term Storage

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If the power goes out, you need to be prepared. And what’s a better way of preparing for an emergency than by stocking your pantry with foods that keep you healthy and energized? If you have limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables—or even if you don’t have much time to spend in the garden—here are best dried foods for long-term storage that will keep you and your family healthy during a disaster that will cause a food shortage.

Jerky Beef as a Best Long-Term Dried Food

Although this is mostly a domestic food, it can be a great source of protein during a short-term food shortage. Beef jerky is dry, has a long shelf life, and is easy to store. It’s often found in the meat aisle of your local grocery store but is also available online. 

There are several brands of beef jerky on the market, and one of the most common types is beef barbecue jerky. While beef barbecue jerky is delicious and tasty, it’s not the best choice as a dried food for long-term food storage. Instead, choose low-sodium beef jerky, which is low in sodium and high in protein as a top dried food for long-term storage.

Buy Beef Jerky from Amazon #1 Top Seller on Jerky Beef Sticks

Dried Eggs as Best Dried Food for Long-Term Storage

Eggs are cheap, nutritious, and easy to store. You can buy them in bulk, store them in the fridge for a few weeks, and even freeze them for future use. But dried eggs don’t just have the major advantage of lasting for a long time compared to fresh eggs – they’re also reasonably cheap. If you’re short on money but still want to eat healthily and provide your family with nutrients, dried eggs are a perfect option for long-term dried food to store.

While you can find many different dried eggs to buy online from well-trusted Amazon sellers like this one here, they’re also easy to make at home as you can see below on Youtube. All you need to make dried eggs is an airtight container and a dehydrator.

How to Make Dried Eggs

Dried Vegetables and Legumes Survival Food

These types of vegetables and legumes have a lengthy shelf life, are filling, and are nutrient-rich. You can use these dried foods choices to make wholesome and healthy meals.

Vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes, can be used in a variety of meals, from soups and salads to casseroles and entrées.

Legumes, such as lentils, black beans, and chickpeas, are also high in fiber and protein but low in fat. They’re easy to cook and don’t require much preparation.

To dry vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes or beets simply trim the vegetables and peel away their skin. Then, slice the vegetables into thin strips, place them on paper towels, and place them in a paper bag. Remove the veggies once they’re slightly dry and store them in an airtight container. For next-level drying try out this 5-star home food drier from Amazon. Or watch this tutorial below to learn how to dry without a drier.

How to Make Dried Vegetables and Legumes

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a good option if you don’t want to bother with constantly rotating fresh fruits in your pantry. They’re nutritious, filling enough, and cheap—three great things for best dried food for long-term storage. You can use dried fruit in a variety of ways. Depending on the type of fruit you have, you can use it as a snack or in baking recipes.

Dried foods such as pears, apricots, mango, and cherries are common fruits that can be used as a long-term food supply. Other fruits, such as strawberries and blueberries, can only be used for a short period of time.

Top Dried Fruit on Amazon

DEL MONTE Diced Peaches FRUIT CUP Snacks in 100% Fruit Juice

Spirulina and Chlorella Greens

These are rich sources of iron, protein, vitamins, and minerals. They’re easy to store and can be used as a long-term food supply. You can consume spirulina and chlorella greens as a powder or a liquid—they’re equally nutritious. You can use either one in smoothies or as a supplement.

Spirulina is a blue-green alga that grows in salty water and contains high concentrations of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Chlorella is another type of algae that grows in water and is rich in protein and vitamins. These dried powders are clearly one of the best dried foods for long-term storage as they contain a high variety and content of vitamins and nutrients – essential characteristics for any prepper serious about food optimization.

Buy Amazon 5 Start Spirulina and Chlorella

Non-GMO California USA Spirulina Powder Non-GMO

Non-GMO Organic Chlorella Powder

Oats and Other Cereal Grains

Different types of cereal grains have different nutritional values, which means that you can use them in different ways to make different foods. Many people store rolled oats and other cereal grains in an airtight container in their pantry for a long time. This is because cereal grains have a long shelf life and don’t have to be consumed immediately after purchase.

Whilst not necessarily a dried food, oats and cereals can still be dried to extend their shelf life. Rich in vitamins and carbohydrates these are a great addition to your long-term survival pantry to help keep your family healthy and well-fed in case a disaster strikes.

Tofu and Tempeh

Another option for this best dried foods for long-term storage list are undoubtedly soy-based soy products. These are high in protein and amino acids. They’re nutritious and cheap, which makes them a good choice for a survival situation.

To make tofu, you need to blend soy milk with a coagulant, such as vinegar, to curdle it. If you don’t have any coagulants, you can also use rock salt or even alum, a chemical used to treat metal stains. Tempeh is a fermented soy product that’s high in protein and can be used to make sandwiches or as a side dish. Fermentation takes time, though, so you need to think about how you’re going to store it.

If you’re using tofu or tempeh as a long-term food supply, store it in an airtight container in your pantry. You can also store it in your freezer to prevent it from spoiling.

Buy 5-Star Tofu at Amazon

Vegan Dairy-Free Tofu Made with Non-GMO soybeans

Other Foods to Store for a Food Shortage Scenario

There are several other non-dried foods that you can store in case of a food shortage. These include:

  • Canned vegetables, such as tomatoes, spinach, and peppers, can be used as a long-term food supply.
  • Canned fruits, such as apples, pears, and oranges, can be used as a long-term food supply.
  • Dehydrated herbs and spices, such as cumin and paprika.
  • Nuts and seeds placed in airtight containers or refrigerated to extend their lifetime.
  • Granola and protein bars for a healthy nutritious snack that can last for years in your pantry.
  • Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, or even pickled mini watermelons and pickled unripe (green) tomatoes as one Eastern European friend prepares every year for his pantry.

If you look to expand your knowledge on best-dried foods for long-term storage I recommend you check out this informative book written by Art Rude titled The Lost Superfoods. Inside you will find a total of 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years. If this sounds good to you check more here on this link.

Don’t miss out: 126 Lost Superfoods from Top Prepping Expert: 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years

Final words

Dehydrating is a great option for a short-term food crisis, but it’s important to remember that it won’t last forever. Nutrient levels in dehydrated foods don’t last as long as in fresh produce, so it’s important to eat a variety of fresh fruits and veggies to keep your body healthy.

What do you think about these best-dried foods for long-term storage? Is there anything new you will add to your pantry from this list? What other dried foods would you add? Help us stay calm and ready by sharing your knowledge with other readers.

More on Prepper Foods:

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