foods that curb hunger

8 Foods That Curb Hunger and Cravings – Prepper’s Pantry

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Preparing for a possible SHTF situation can be an overwhelming task that requires learning new prepping skills to protect yourself and your family, but also requires a food plan to ensure you’ll have enough food stored up to last. Besides the common dried foods or canned foods, specific foods that curb hunger are another great food choice to add to your prepper’s pantry.

Starvation, in particular, triggers negative side effects such as lowering your immunity and raising stress levels, which increases cortisol levels. In another article, I wrote about techniques to lower food cravings but in this article, I will write for you about 8 foods that curb hunger and cravings without compromising your nutritional needs.

Beef and Lean Meats for Iron Intake

One of the best foods that curb hunger is meat-based products. Beef is one of the best sources of protein and iron and iron is essential for boosting your metabolism, improving your immunity, and keeping your energy levels high. Lean meats are a great source of protein, but remember to avoid processed meats as they contain nitrates.

Nitrates have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer and we not only want to survive, but we also want to thrive.

Looking for an endless supply of food? Check out this new finding- High Output Pocket Farm “Generates” Food In The Middle Of A Desert War Zone

Eggs to curb hunger and cravings

Eggs are a great source of protein, which is important for muscle repair. They are also convenient and easy to store, so they’re a great option for foods that curb hunger if you have limited space.

You can dehydrate them and make a highly nutritious powder that you can always have in your survival pantry. You can then use the powdered eggs in many different ways, but you can also eat them straight from the package.

Normally they are quite expensive but you can find high-quality powdered eggs at good prices here from this Amazon seller or you can watch the following YT tutorial on to make your own powdered eggs at home.


This may seem counterintuitive, but fish is a great source of protein and Omega-3s, which can help reduce appetite and cravings. Omega-3s are believed to help decrease appetite by increasing the level of serotonin (a chemical in the body that helps with feelings of happiness and well-being) in the body.

You can also add to your survival pantry canned fish such as tuna packed in water, mackerel, salmon, and sardines. Canned fish doesn’t require any cooking, which is especially useful if disaster strikes and you need something fast, filling, and nutritious.

Personally, I always go with Wild Planet brand when it comes to good quality canned fish at good prices too!

As with most foods, you can eat and preserve fish in a variety of ways to suit your taste. For example, try grilling or poaching salmon instead of just cooking it in oil. You can also add some flavor to your fish by dicing it and mixing it with other foods like tomatoes, bell peppers, and garlic. Drying fish is also a good option to add to this list of prepper foods that curb hunger and cravings.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, which is crucial for keeping your digestive system healthy. Whole grains can also help you lose weight by regulating your blood sugar levels and reducing your cravings. Make sure to store long-term foods such as oats, brown rice, and quinoa if you believe they are good foods that curb hunger.

These grains are also very affordable and easy to find. You can buy them in bulk and store them in mason jars or plastic bags to prevent them from going bad. Make sure to keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and hot pipes.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are great sources of protein and healthy fats. They’re also naturally low in calories, so they are a good candidate for foods to curb your hunger and cravings.

Make sure to store nuts and seeds in an airtight container in a cool and dry place. You can also sprout your seeds and nuts to increase their nutritional value. By sprouting, you’re activating the enzymes in the seeds and nuts, helping them grow and become more nutritious. Sprouting also makes them easier to digest and increases their shelf life.

You can sprout your seeds and nuts using mason jars or paper towels. For me, nuts and seeds are my favorite foods that curb hunger. They require little or no preparation as you can almost always eat them straight from the package.

Nutritional Yeast

Another unsung hero for a top prepper’s pantry is nutritional yeast. This new addition to this post about foods that curb hunger is a great source of B vitamins and minerals. It also helps regulate your metabolism, which can prevent cravings and overeating and provide essential nutrients and amino acids that help your body and mind stay sharp in critical situations.

You can add it to your oatmeal, salads, and soups or even eat it straight from the container. But it’s better to mix it with other foods to help avoid the yeast getting stuck all over your teeth. Again make sure to store your nutritional yeast in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

For the healthier version of nutritional yeast, I recommend the non-fortified ones as they contain a good balance of vitamins that prevents creating nutrient imbalances.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are crucial for reducing oxidative stress and protecting your cells from damage. Dark chocolate is also rich in caffeine, which can help you stay focused and alert during stressful situations. Remember that not all chocolate is healthy.

Make sure to buy chocolate bars that are at least 72% cacao as this is best to make you feel full and satiated and without a high amount of sugar as the more sugar you eat, the hungrier you will feel. Due to its ability to not just alleviate hunger and cravings but also to energize and enhance alertness, dark chocolate is an excellent choice when it comes to foods that curb hunger.

The good low-sugar chocolate I usually buy is this non-GMO and no sugars option from Amazon. It’s a bit pricey but it provides a good amount of energy without feeling hungry quickly afterward which is important to have in a survival situation with limited food available around.

foods that curb hunger
Flax Seeds as Food that Curbs Hunger and Cravings

Flax seeds and Chia Seeds

No article about foods that curb hunger is complete without flax seeds and chia seeds. these little seeds are great sources of fiber and healthy fats and may be the best food to have in your prepper’s pantry. Rich in proteins and antioxidants, which can keep your energy levels high and reduce cravings.

You can sprinkle them on any other meals to add some flavor and extra fiber that is perfect to keep you satisfied. My favorite chia seed recipe is mixing chia seeds with coconut oil and honey and leaving them overnight in the fridge to make a highly nutritious and tasty morning budding.

These ones from Gerbs Small Business are my go-to flax and chis mix when it comes to nuts and seeds. Unfortunately, sometimes they are not available so I will have to go with the other mixes instead but it’s definitely not a deal breaker.


Food is one of the most important things you can stock up on when you’re prepping. The right foods that curb hunger can increase your energy levels, improve your mental focus, and prevent you from getting sick. It’s also crucial for maintaining your muscle mass and preventing fatigue during stressful situations. These eight foods for the prepper’s pantry will help you feel full for longer periods of time in case of an emergency situation.

What about you? What foods and ingredients help you feel more satiated? What foods from the list are you going to add to your pantry? What foods do you already have in your pantry? Let us know in the comments section so others can become better preppers – calm, ready, and mentally prepared for any situation.

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