Middle Ages foods

Prepper’s Pantry: 6 Best Middle Ages Foods for Modern Preppers

The Middle Ages were a challenging time for anyone with limited resources. It was an era marked by scarcity of food, disease, and famine. Looking at these Middle Ages Foods we can learn a lot from society’s very different approach to food during these times – especially if we happen to be preparing for some […]

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good foods with long shelf life japanese foods for preppers - shiitake mushrooms

Good Foods with Long Shelf Life – 8 Japanese Prepper Foods

If you have Japanese friends who share their home-cooked meals, you may have noticed something about their cooking: almost everything has an extremely long shelf life. In addition to the frequent use of pre-cut, vacuum-sealed, and preservative-free ingredients, there are specific techniques that are used in Japanese home cooking that make all their dishes last

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foods that curb hunger

8 Foods That Curb Hunger and Cravings – Prepper’s Pantry

Preparing for a possible SHTF situation can be an overwhelming task that requires learning new prepping skills to protect yourself and your family, but also requires a food plan to ensure you’ll have enough food stored up to last. Besides the common dried foods or canned foods, specific foods that curb hunger are another great

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Old-time survival foods

Old-Time Survival Foods – Old Foods for the Modern Prepper

Humans have been roaming the earth for millennia. Even before agriculture took root in the fertile crescent, our ancestors thrived on a diet of meat and plants. And while modern humans continue to eat a wide variety of foods today, we know surprisingly little about what our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate. Not having modern preservation methods

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how to become a doomsday prepper

How To Become A Doomsday Prepper: 7 Steps You Must Take

Doomsday prepping may be one of the most used terms these days by preppers when we refer to preparing for an emergency or disaster. Threats such as widespread pandemics, severe weather, economic crashes, and more have made the term “end of days” even more terrifying than it already is. While there are many different methods

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