family survival plan for when a disaster hits

Building a Family Survival Plan: Protect Them for an Emergency

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Disasters can strike at any time. Whether they are natural or man-made, a family survival plan is a must-have as disasters can come from anywhere in the world or from nearby. When you think about it, there’s always a risk of something going wrong. In another post, I wrote about the 5 steps to take to prepare for a doomsday scenario but now we will have a quick look at why and how to start building a family survival plan for when a disaster hits.

Further Read: 6 Tips To Prepare Your Family For A Disaster

What is a Family Disaster Plan?

A family disaster plan is a guide you create with your family that outlines how you will stay safe and secure should a natural or man-made disaster hit your community. It’s a comprehensive plan to help you and your loved ones respond to a variety of emergencies.

Why Do You Need a Family Disaster Plan?

Natural disasters can strike at any time. If a hurricane rolls in, it’s not enough to know what to do if one hits your city. You need to be ready for the possibility of a disaster that could hit you at any moment. Not only will a family disaster plan help you prepare for a variety of natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, but it can also help you prepare for a variety of other emergencies like cyber attacks, terrorist attacks, and economic crises. That’s a few of the main reasons why you need a family survival plan for when a disaster hits as it can hit at any time in any place, unfortunately.

How to Build a Family Disaster Plan

Creating a family survival plan is a lot like creating any other kind of plan. It starts with identifying your family’s needs and identifying your family’s resources. Once you have those two things figured out, you’re ready to start building your emergency response plan. In this case, we’re talking about needs like long-term survival foods and water storage, medical supplies, shelter, communication needs, and so on. You can also add in any resources you have outside of your homes like a community garden plot, a tool supply, or a generator.

Checklist for Building a Family Survival Response Plan

Now that you know what you need to build a family disaster plan, we can have a look at this quick checklist to make sure you complete it when building your response plan.

family survival plan for when a disaster hits - a checklist
  1. Identify Needs: When creating a family disaster plan, identify what your family needs to survive an emergency. This could be food, water, shelter, medical supplies, and more.
  2. Identify Resources: Once you know what your family’s needs are, identify any resources your family has available to it like food, water, cash, and so on.
  3. Identify Resources Outside the Home: When creating a family survival plan for when a disaster hits, think about resources you have outside of your home like a community garden plot, a tool supply, or a generator.
  4. Identify Contacts: It’s also important for any family survival place to make sure to identify contacts you can call for help if needed. This could be your local government, a neighbor, a family member, and others.
  5. Complete Checklist: Finally, a family survival plan needs an easy-to-follow checklist. Make sure to complete your checklist and ensure that you have all the information you need and make your family aware of all the steps to take in case a disaster hits your area.


Creating a family survival place together with your family is a good idea for any family. It can help you and your loved ones respond to a variety of emergencies, including natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and floods. It can also help you prepare for a variety of other emergencies, including cyber attacks, terrorist attacks, and economic crises. When you build a family survival plan for when a disaster hits, you’ll be able to better respond to any situation and know what resources you and your family will need to survive.

Further readings:

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