Prepper Foods

This includes posts and articles about foods for preppers.

Middle Ages foods

Prepper’s Pantry: 6 Best Middle Ages Foods for Modern Preppers

The Middle Ages were a challenging time for anyone with limited resources. It was an era marked by scarcity of food, disease, and famine. Looking at these Middle Ages Foods we can learn a lot from society’s very different approach to food during these times – especially if we happen to be preparing for some […]

Prepper’s Pantry: 6 Best Middle Ages Foods for Modern Preppers Read More »

good foods with long shelf life japanese foods for preppers - shiitake mushrooms

Good Foods with Long Shelf Life – 8 Japanese Prepper Foods

If you have Japanese friends who share their home-cooked meals, you may have noticed something about their cooking: almost everything has an extremely long shelf life. In addition to the frequent use of pre-cut, vacuum-sealed, and preservative-free ingredients, there are specific techniques that are used in Japanese home cooking that make all their dishes last

Good Foods with Long Shelf Life – 8 Japanese Prepper Foods Read More »

foods that curb hunger

8 Foods That Curb Hunger and Cravings – Prepper’s Pantry

Preparing for a possible SHTF situation can be an overwhelming task that requires learning new prepping skills to protect yourself and your family, but also requires a food plan to ensure you’ll have enough food stored up to last. Besides the common dried foods or canned foods, specific foods that curb hunger are another great

8 Foods That Curb Hunger and Cravings – Prepper’s Pantry Read More »

Old-time survival foods

Old-Time Survival Foods – Old Foods for the Modern Prepper

Humans have been roaming the earth for millennia. Even before agriculture took root in the fertile crescent, our ancestors thrived on a diet of meat and plants. And while modern humans continue to eat a wide variety of foods today, we know surprisingly little about what our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate. Not having modern preservation methods

Old-Time Survival Foods – Old Foods for the Modern Prepper Read More »

preppers pantry fermented foods

Prepper Foods That Last – 6 Top Fermented Foods for Preppers

Preppers are often known for stockpiling canned foods and other non-perishables in order to be prepared in case of an emergency situation. But when it comes to prepper foods that last for a long time fermented foods are another great option. These foods can last for years without any special preservation methods, making them perfect

Prepper Foods That Last – 6 Top Fermented Foods for Preppers Read More »

store shelves are almost empty and illustrating that we need to prepare for the coming food shortage

5 Tips to Prepare for the Coming Food Shortages

The global population has grown exponentially, and the demand for more and more food has increased as well. As a consequence, it is a trending practice today to prepare for the coming food shortage as the attention-grabbing news is warning about such a possibility in the near future. Talking about climate change and overpopulation increases,

5 Tips to Prepare for the Coming Food Shortages Read More »