How to Prepare for A Food Shortage

How to Prepare for A Food Shortage 2023: 6 Essential Tips

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The world seems to be strange these days, but is this a sign of worse things to come or this is the worse it can get? With the things happening in the world today should we prepare for a food shortage? Should we learn how to prepare for a food shortage by growing our own food and other means?

A growing number of articles label an upcoming food shortage as imminent. While these articles may seem hyperbolic today and you may not see a coming shortage for years to come, it’s still a good idea to know to prepare for a food shortage wether or not you think we should be prepping for a food shortage or not.

While having a good amount of high-calorie long-term foods stashed inside the house is a good idea, if you want to take your preparedness level even higher, here are five tips to teach you how to prepare for a food shortage.

how to prepare for a food shortage - grow your own food

Learn to Grow Food

When it comes to how to prepare for a food shortage it is important to know how to grow food. Your own food can be a key to survival during an emergency. Even a small amount of your own food means that you will have more food anytime including during a food shortage.

Not only will you have extra food supplies, but experts say being around plants and spending time walking on soil have many health benefits for your body and mind too! Which is one extra positive for when things go down and you want to stay mentally sharp and strong. has a good article on the top 10 foods you can grow as a prepper.

Stock up on dried foods

One problem that may come with a food shortage is that staples like bread and rice may go bad before you will be able to eat them. To prepare for this, stock up on dried foods. Dried foods are a lot more shelf-stable than fresh foods, and they can last for years without going bad. They’re great for keeping on hand for extended periods of time and make excellent survival food.

how to prepare for a food shortage dried goods

 You can buy canned goods, too, but they’re more susceptible to heat damage when canned. Canned goods are a good choice too and are less expensive than a lot of specialty products. maybe the best book on how to prepare for a food shortage is this one from Art Rude containing 126 unique foods to help you overcome any long-term disaster that can greatly improve the quality of life if a food shortage or any other disaster will happen soon or in the distant future.

Learn how to preserve food

Another way to be prepared for a food shortage is to learn how to preserve your food. This is especially important for those who can’t afford to take the time to preserve food. There are several ways to preserve food, and you can find lots of information online such as here on this link or here at this other great article from Canadian Living Blog about genuine ways to preserve food. 

The most important thing to remember is to not overcook your food. Steam destroys much of the flavor in vegetables and fruits, and high temperatures can damage nutrients.

How to prepare for a food shortage – preserving and canning food at home

Don’t Forget the Basics – Water

Water is another must-have supply when speaking about how to prepare for a food shortage Keeping a few gallons of water on hand is a simple way to ensure that you, your family, and your pets are able to stay hydrated. You can also buy a water filter, which can help to reduce the number of impurities in your water.

This is especially important for those who live in areas that have harmful contaminants in the water supply. Make sure to keep a few gallons of clean water on hand for daily use as well as for cleaning and hygiene. You can also buy a few clean water containers so that you can use them for other purposes, such as bathing and washing dishes.

Recommended product – 5-Star Amazon Collapsible Water Storage Container

Hygiene & Health

Being safe and healthy is important in any situation. But hygiene and health are other essential aspects of learning how to prepare for a food shortage. Another important thing to keep in mind is to keep your home clean. It’s good to have enough food but you also need to stay healthy and fit. A dirty home can make it harder to stay healthy and fit as your body and mind will be more susceptible to disease in a stressful situation such as a food shortage.

It can also lead to some other problems, such as poor air quality, which again can cause health issues, and even improper water filtration, which can lead to contamination in the water you drink. Keeping your home clean can help to make it easier to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet.

Recommended Read: 13 Emergency Supplies for Every Prepper’s First Aid Kit

Check the First Aid Kit

Having a good selection of medicine is another important tip, especially for preppers who want to be ready in case of an extreme situation that will remove the possibility to get medicines from drug stores. Pain killers, bandages, anti-inflammatory medicines, anti-allergic medicines, scissors, multivitamins, and of course antibiotics and even anti-radiation medicine in case of nuclear fallout.

For a ready-made first aid kit literally stuffed with all you need to have in an emergency situation, this one from Amazon is the one I keep recommending on every blog post. It is small and light and has as many as 110 pieces.

How to Prepare for a Food Shortage – Bottom line

One of the best things that you can do to prepare for a food shortage is to maximize the amount of food that you grow in your own home. Additionally, you can preserve some of your food so that it doesn’t go to waste if there is a significant food shortage. You can also keep a few gallons of clean water on hand, and you can keep your home as clean and tidy as possible. This may seem like a lot of work, but it will be as valuable as gold when and if there is a significant food shortage.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you think we should prepare for a food shortage now in 2022 or even in 2023?

If you believe we should, did this article meet your expectations? Did this small read teach you how to prepare for a food shortage? What are the next steps you are going to do in this regard? Is there anything else you would like to add to this list? Let us know in the comment section below.

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